

Your Company Will be Better Positioned to Lead the
Market in Electrification of Transportation Sectors

The California Electric Transportation Coalition (CalETC) is a non-profit association of companies
working together, with state- and local-government officials and other stakeholders to build and shape
the market of transportation electrification. Electric transportation is a key component of transitioning
our economy toward diversity in the fuels market thereby creating good jobs, growing our local
economies, and protecting the environment.

CalETC is the only full-time advocacy group with a focus on transportation electrification activities
throughout California. Based in Sacramento – California’s Capital – CalETC works closely with state
agencies, the Legislature, local governments, and the many affected interest groups in the state on all
high-priority electric transportation-related issues.

As a member of CalETC you will be part of the “insider network” of California decision-making on
electric transportation issues, with frequent access to information on decisions before they are made.
Membership also allows you to help shape and direct electric transportation-related policies, programs
and funding by participating in coordinated outreach and education efforts on key legislation and
regulatory activities with other electric transportation advocates. For companies supporting the
electrification of the goods- and people-movement sectors, partnership with CalETC and its member
utilities can help by creating dialogue and relationships that ensure supportive public policies and
accelerate market transformation. Together we lead in ensuring that our members and our state are
ready for electric transportation and that we can serve as a scalable model for the nation

Leveraging Membership to Support Transportation Electrification

CalETC has accomplished much over its 25-plus-year history including:
✓ Utility metrics for tracking light-duty plug-in electric vehicles
✓ Utility support for and coordination with vehicle and technology producers
✓ Shaping of the state’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan
✓ Shaping the state’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Program
✓ Participating in the state’s clean freight efforts, including the Sustainable Freight Action Plan
✓ Participating in the state’s Advanced Clean Transit Rule efforts
✓ Notification efforts with automakers, DMV, and League of Cities
✓ Participating in Building Code development, including infrastructure and accessibility
✓ Local building code officials trained
✓ Established single US standard for charging connectors
✓ Emergency-response curriculum developed
✓ Emergency-response officials trained
✓ Financial incentives for electric transportation
✓ Financial incentives for electric transportation infrastructure
✓ Financial incentives for development of new electric-drive technologies
✓ Financial incentives for electric transportation-related businesses and off-road vehicles
✓ HOV lane access for electric vehicles
✓ Reduced vehicle license fees for electric vehicles
✓ Support for regional efforts among west-coast states and across the country
✓ Electric vehicle-ready communities leading to an electric vehicle-ready state

CalETC has been a driving force in working on coalition and consensus building, administering,
organizing and motivating forward progress on these myriad firsts for electric transportation.
While California has been the first in all these activities to get plug-in electric vehicles ready, our
work is just beginning. As millions of electric vehicles come into California, the goods and people
movement sectors transition to electricity, and investments continue to be made in California, CalETC
will have a more aggressive agenda to ensure the successful commercialization of transportation
electrification. You can be a part of it.


  • Electric transportation creates good jobs and helps support the transition to a sustainable and healthy economy.
  • Electric transportation is good for the grid and the benefits can be leveraged for all ratepayers.
  • Pure battery-electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, zero evaporative emissions and reduce climate-change pollutants by about 75 percent.
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles provide for range capability equal to today’s gasoline vehicles while also reducing emissions relative to combustion-engine vehicles.
  • Electric transportation reduces our dependence on petroleum, diversifying our transportation fuels sector and leading our state and our nation toward a more secure and sustainable future.
  • Electric vehicles have far fewer moving parts and thus are simpler and cheaper to maintain.
  • According to a study by the American Lung Association, every plug-in electric vehicle sold will save society thousands in health costs related to air pollution and climate change alone. This study also found the reduction in environmental damage and the increase in energy security provided by electric vehicles to be several hundred dollars per vehicle.

Good for the Economy, Good for Health: The Market for Transportation Electrification Is Growing

Transportation electrification creates jobs in California. Building a new infrastructure to support
transportation electrification and generating the fuel domestically will result in good jobs in our state.
Businesses are responding to the attractive opportunities transportation electrification provides. An
increasing number of companies make electric transportation and the supporting technologies. Every
auto manufacturer has committed to electric drive technologies. The demand for electric technologies
across the goods- and people-movement sectors is set to expand dramatically, providing tremendous
opportunity for utility and technology companies to coordinate.

State government recognizes the benefits of this growing new market. Incentive programs are in place
for all types of vehicles and related infrastructure. State policymakers are working with stakeholders,
including CalETC, to develop policies that support transformation of the transportation sector away
from petroleum and towards zero- and near-zero-emission technologies. Plug in electric vehicles, on-road and off-road, across all vehicle classes are acknowledged as necessary for the successful
transformation of our transportation system.

CalETC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from its founding members
including: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Pacific Gas and Electric Company,
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric, the
Southern California Public Power Authority, and the Northern California Power Agency.
Funding from all CalETC members supports the organization’s efforts to establish and support
intelligent actions and policies that develop and commercialize electric transportation in California


Electric Transportation Advocacy and Representation

As a member of CalETC you will be informed of all major legislative and regulatory deliberations
involving electric transportation:

  • CalETC sponsors electric transportation legislation and testifies on all major bills in the field.
  • CalETC testifies on all major regulatory, policy, and technical proceedings before state agencies involving electric transportation.
  • CalETC meets regularly with state elected officials, agency directors, local government officials and their staff to keep them abreast of current developments in electric transportation.
  • CalETC coordinates its representation and advocacy efforts with a broad base of advocates to assist in lobbying legislative and regulatory issues, including: private businesses and business organizations; labor groups; environmental organizations; state and local agencies; as well as academic and technical experts.
  • CalETC supports utility and technology providers in transportation electrification readiness efforts directly.
  • CalETC works with environmental organizations and with academia to provide members with the latest cost-benefit analyses associated with electric vehicles.

Electric Transportation Information and Analysis

As a member of CalETC you will:

  • Receive weekly Legislative Reports of all electric transportation-related legislation and amendments.
  • Receive frequent updates regarding draft and final regulations, draft and final reports, relevant press announcements from agencies and elected officials, and the availability/announcement of funding opportunities.
  • Participate in coordinated education and outreach efforts targeted to help grow the market for transportation electrification.
  • Receive analysis of the policy, technical, and political issues arising in major legislative and regulatory proceedings.
  • Receive “LEGISLATIVE ALERTS” on critical legislative or regulatory issues which require immediate action.
  • Receive advanced notification of key upcoming state legislative and regulatory hearings, workshops, meetings, and deadlines.

CalETC Membership Categories

  • Voting Board Member
  • Large Private Companies, including Automakers
  • Municipal Utilites1
  • Small to Medium Private Companies2
  • Non-Profits / Government Agencies

1 Municipal utility district that serves electricity to fewer than 250,000 customers, cost range based on number of customers.
2 May petition to the Executive Director for appropriate dues level